Managing Mom Guilt – Because There’s No Cure

Managing Mom Guilt – Because There’s No Cure

MOM GUILT is real. It’s that inescapable feeling that you’re never doing enough as a mother, not doing things correctly, or making life-altering decisions that could ultimately “mess up” your kids’ lives. All people struggle. YOUR CHILDREN ARE PEOPLE. They are going...
Mommas and Babies Matter

Mommas and Babies Matter

What is PERINATAL MENTAL HEALTH? Perinatal Mental Health is just a formal way to say, “mommas and babies have a lot going on psychologically.” Babies are real people with real feelings and real reactions to feelings as early as in utero.  Any form of stress or...
Why “No Voice is Too Small”

Why “No Voice is Too Small”

Maybe to paint a clear picture of my present, I should offer you a snapshot of my past. You know that girl who peaked early? She’s a teenager so of course, she’s the perfect blend of anorexic and athletic, but she also has impeccable taste and Daddy’s credit card...
What is Perinatal Mental Health?

What is Perinatal Mental Health?

Perinatal mental health refers to a woman’s mental health during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Research reveals that 7%-15% of women suffer from antepartum depression, and approximately 10% of women experience post-partum depression. Along with depression,...
Let’s Talk About Trauma

Let’s Talk About Trauma

What is Trauma? A psychological trauma is a severely distressing event that causes psychological, emotional or behavioral hardships in a person’s life. Trauma is often the result of an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds a person’s ability to cope with his/her...